Wohooow! Babysitting on a saturday, what do I think about that?
When I found out that I had to babysit on saturday I was a little bit anxious at first, since I love my free time during weekend. It's the most important time for me here and then someone takes it away, not nice! On saturday I went out with my new Canadian friend D and I felt so tired so I would never manage to do anything else than sit at home...To conclude every feeling I have about babysitting I would say that I can deal with it, but it's nothing I would like to do every saturday. We had actually a great night with "Home alone 2" (ensam hemma 2) and a little playing, God I love thoose kids... So Saturday was okey babysitting, since I was so tired from friday night/morning.
We went to the apartment of Daniele's grandma here in Milan and had a superextraduperparty! His friends were really nice and I think most of us enjoyed our time there. Thanks Daniele!
Jag är dock trött på jobbet här trots att ungarna är underbara, jag tror inte au-pair är min grej riktigt. Vi får se vad som händer, det skulle vara annorlunda om jag hade ngt eget tror jag:)
Puss o kram
söndag 9 november 2008
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Vad fint du gjort på startsidan. Blir , du är jättefin. Puss mams
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