onsdag 12 november 2008

Oggi ho un test in Italiano - Prossima fermata - intermedio

Today I have a test in italian, I hope it will be great. I feel like I know everything but a test is a test, and you can always make mistakes. Yeye, we'll see what happens...
I made a step yesterday, I didn't call my mom. I've been to addicted to her lately, so I decided to take a break from calling her, I only talk about my problems anyway, how fun is that?
I met Him yesterday, god he's amazing.. But serious? No.. Yes... I dont know, yaya, whatever.. the time will show..:)

I've been thinking a lot lately... Is it really worth to hang out with someone who only says bad things about you; "You're to much, you're naive, you're interupting, it feels like you don't listen." You needed advice and this person just trying to break you down.. Is it worth it? I'm gonna call my mom and ask..:)


2 kommentarer:

loebis sa...

de e aldrig värt att ha människor runt omkring sig som suger negativ energi ur en, vänskap handlar om att ge å ta, är du lessen så ska man inte trycka ner sin vän utan lyfta upp den å vice versa. <3

Johanna Lovisa Cecilia sa...

söt du e min lilla tossa! Synd att du inte bor här med mig... Funderar på en sak... ska ta de med dej på tele?!:)